FAQs on Registration:
How do I apply to be an ICIA-PAKISTAN student?
What are the entry requirements for the ICIA-PAKISTAN Qualification?
What documents do I need to register as a student?
How long does it take to register as a student?
Can I obtain a letter confirming I am a registered student?
What fees are payable?
Is exam and exemption fee same?
Is the institute offering the exemptions?
What exemptions can I apply for?
How do I study for my ICIA-PAKISTAN exams?
Can I submit my registration form and pay at a later date?
Can I enter for exams during the registration process?
When do exams take place?
If I pass the certification program of CIA, CMSA, CITA or CICE, can I use the letters after my name?
Students’ FAQs on exemptions:
What is an exemption?
Why does ICIA-PAKISTAN award exemptions?
What types of qualification does ICIA-PAKISTAN award exemptions to?
What exemptions are available?
How can I find out what exemptions I’m entitled to?
When can I apply for exemptions?
What documents do I need to submit with my application for exemptions?
Why did I not receive the exemptions I expected?
When/how can I pay for my exemptions?
Why do I have to pay for exemptions?
How much do I need to pay for exemptions?
Do I have to accept all exemptions I’m entitled to?
Do I need to have achieved a specified mark in my individual modules to claim individual paper exemptions?
I have been awarded credit by my institution for some of the modules specified for exemption on the exemption enquiry database. Can I claim the exemptions?
I have not completed my degree – can I apply for exemptions?
Students’ FAQs on exam entry:
Can I enter for an exam during the initial registration process?
How long do I have to complete the exams?
Where can I take my exams?
How many exams can I take at each exam session under Foundations in Accountancy?
Will I be able to sit my exams at the centre that I have requested?
I require special facilities at the exam centre, is this possible?
Students’ FAQs on exams:
If I fail an exam and have already submitted an exam entry for the upcoming session, will I be able to amend my exam entry so I can take the resit at this session?
How many exams can I take at each exam session?
FAQs about sitting an exam:
What happens on the exam day?
Where can I find the rules and regulations in relation to sitting an examination?
What happens if I forget my photographic ID on the day of my exam?
What happens if I arrive late for my exam?
If something happens at the exam centre that affects my performance, can I make a complaint?
Exam questions were not answered in order. Will this be a problem?
FAQs about exam results:
When are results issued?
What can I do if I think that my results are incorrect?
Students’ FAQs on payments:
When should I submit my annual subscription to ICIA-PAKISTAN?
How can I make payment?
Membership FAQs: