Certified Internal Control Examiner (CICE):
Internal control is a process affected by an organization’s structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific goals or objectives. ICIA-PAKISTAN designed a certification program “Certified Internal Control Examiner (CICE)” especially for the people, who work in the organization as internal control professional.
CICE is the most prestigious program for the professionals , who want to excel in the internal control. This is a senior-level, highly skilled internal control professional certification. Individuals qualifying for this designation must satisfy and substantiate the extensive skills and knowledge requirements established by the ICIA-PAKISTAN Certifications Board.
The cornerstone of the CICE requirements focuses on the individual’s actual professional experience in the skill categories of the Internal Control Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK). Individuals qualifying for this certification, must have substantiated and verifiable participation in internal control CBOK areas.
Applicants for the Certified Internal Control Examiner (CICE) designation are those professionals who have:
- At least five years internal control design and/or internal control assessment experience and the equivalent and have a Bachelor degree (B.A, B.Com, BBA) or equivalent from an accredited college or university or
- Masters in Accounting, Business Management, Industrial Engineering or equivalent from an accredited college and three years practical work experience in internal control
- Doctorate Degree and two years experience
- Ten years of internal control work experience without a degree or
- Previously attained the GCIA (Global Certified Internal Auditors) certification and have a total of eight years professional internal control work experience.
- Agree and subscribe to the Professional Code of Ethics.
- Responsible for maintaining their skills by pursuing professional continuing education
- Submit the CICE application and remit the required application fee.