Currently ICIA-PAKISTAN is seeking to establish affiliations, Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) and Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) with National and International professional and academic bodies in order to deliver high standard results.
The Institute is closely working with other National and International Professional Accountancy Bodies to develop the cooperation in the profession, education and the professional skills. This will develop the confidence to ICIA-PAKISTAN members to better work in the market and compete according to the professional need.
Currently the Institute of Certified Internal Auditors (ICIA) has signed the MOU with the following professional bodies.
- The Institute of Certified Commercial Professional Accountants & Internal Auditors (ICCPAIA)
- International Association of Accounting Professionals UK
- International Association of Bookkeepers UK.
- The Institute of Certified General Accountants of Bangladesh (ICGAB).
- Institute of Tax Accountant.
- Chartered Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (CICMA), Nigeria.
- The Institute of Forensic Accountants (IFA), Nigeria.
- Association of Cost and Management Accountants (ACMA), Nigeria.
- Audit Managers Association of Nigeria (AMAN).
- Institute of Management Specialists (IMA), United Kingdom.
- The Institute of Certified Business Consultants (ICBC), USA.
- Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC), Canada-USA.
- Chartered Institute of Management Specialist (CIMS), USA.
- Chartered Institute of Corporate Treasurers (CICT), USA.
- Chartered Institute of Professional Financial Managers (CIPFM), USA.
- Pebble Hills University (PHU), USA.
- The Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants (ICFA) USA.
- Institute of Financial Consultants (IFC) Canada ,USA
- Islamic Institute of Accounting and Finance (IIAF) Nigeria.
- International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals INC-USA
- Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management, USA.
- Chartered Institute of Warehousing and Materials Management, Nigeria
- Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management, USA
- Chartered Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management, Nigeria.
- Chartered Institute of Project Management, Ghana
- West Coast University, Panama.
- California University FCE, USA
- Ballsbridge University
- POMA International Business University, Republic of Benin.
- Oxford University Namibia.
- European Qualification Framework.
- International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education.
- International Association of Transnational Universities (IATU).
- Board of Quality Standards (BQS).
- European Association of International Education (EAIE) Netherland.
- American University of Business and Social Sciences (AUBSS)
- Ecole De Techniciens Superieurs Du Benin (ECO.TE.S BENIN) ECOTES Uniersity.
- Skills Development Association (SDA) Pakistan.
- Trade Testing Professional Council (TTPC).
- International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE) USA.
- Association of Internal Control Practitioners (AICP) UK
- Forensic CPA Society USA.
- Procon Internal (Corporate Consultants), Islamabad.
- Corporate Consultants , Islamabad.
- Comtech Integrated Solutions.
- POMA International Business Academy
- POMA International Group of Schools
- London Institute of Africa Chartered Economists
- England Institute of World Chartered Economists (EIWCE)
- Cambridge Institute of World Chartered Accountants (C.I.W.C.A)
- Oxford Institute of Africa Chartered Accountants (O.I.A.C.A)
- Africa Institute of Chartered Management
- Africa Institute of Chartered Bankers
- Africa Institute of Chartered Management Consultants
- Africa Institute of Chartered Financial Accountants
- Africa Institute of Chartered Stockbrokers
- Africa Institute of Commerce and Investment
- Association of Africa Chief Executive Officers
- POMA College of Science & Technology
- Africa Institute of Chartered Management Accountants
- POMA College of Education
- Africa Institute of Chartered Forensic Accountants
- Africa Institute of Chartered Fraud Examiners
- Africa Institute of Chartered Auditors
- Africa Institute of Chartered Public Accountants
- Africa Institute of Directors
- Africa Institute of Chartered Arbitrators
- Africa Institute of Chartered Insurance
- Africa Institute of Chartered Economists